A rap song: White and Nerdy
A song by Fergie: London Bridge
A vegetable: Kang kong.
A band: Dashboard Confessional
A flower: Tulip
A male name: Royce
A female name: Jessica
A stereotype: People who eat a lot are fat.
A cell phone provider: Singtel
A book: Long Day's Journey Into Night
An artist: Oh Chin Yang
A letter: X
A number: 63
An instrument: Drums
A website: www.teamfortress.com
A beverage: H-Two-O
A fast food chain: KFC
A restaurant: Botak Jones
A city in New York: Long Island
A city in California: San Francisco
A city in Florida: Miami
A song by Eminem: 8 Mile
A song by Fall Out Boy: Thks Fr Th Mmres
A song by Avril Lavigne: Sk8er Boy
A month: April
A day of the week: Thursday
A fruit: Durian
A body part: Tricep
A piercing: NIL
A movie: The Dark Knight
A car: Humvee
A country: The USA
A friend: Royce Yap
A school subject: History
A colour: Red
A job: Teacher
An eye color: Blue
A sport: Basketball
A holiday: National Day
A dance: Robot Dance
A religion: Christianity
A computer brand: Hewlett - Packard
A TV show: Barclays Premier League
1.When was the last time you saw the 5th person on your top? I have no idea what's a "top".
2. How much older than you was the last person you kissed? Uh. I don't kiss.
4. What is in your purse/backpack right now? No purse, no backpack. Duffel? - 2 P.E. Shirts, 1 P.E. Shorts, 1 Underwear, 1 Graphic Calculator, 1 Ball Pump, 2 Tennis Balls, 1 Pencilcase, 1 Facial Wash, 1 Shower Foam, 1 Deodorant, 1 Audio Cable, 20 Rubberbands.
6. Wallpaper on your cell phone? Wandering Monster card from The Good, The Bad & The Munchkin deck.
7. Next time you will kiss someone? When I ever get attached.
8. Where was your default picture taken? MSN DP - Beijing Olympics Basketball Logo 2008
10. Who was your last text from? Aaron
11. What's the most interesting thing that happened today? Scored two three-points in a row.
12. What's your favorite number? 19
14. Does your crush like you back? No.
15. What is your current mood? Tired.
16. Last people you hung out with? Zach, Wankie, Linky, Nigel, Fernie, Mao, Oli, YongPromKing... Bball gang!
17. What color shirt are you wearing? White
18. Do you have a crazy side? I LURBS WANKIE
20. Ever had a near death experience? Yup.
21. What was the highlight of your week? Staying back in school till 8 to play ball.
22. Who's car were you in last? Wow. Uh... Dad's. Though the last time I actually rode in a car... a few weeks already.
23. What are you listening to? Jay Chou
24. Do you get along with girls? Not really?
26. Last movie you saw in theaters? The Dark Knight
27. Last thing you ate? KFC Cheese Fries
28. What was last thing you drank? water.
29. Are you happy right now? Definitely. Not.
30. Whats the last thing someone said to you? What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?
31. Where is your phone? On the table next to me.
32. What color is your hair? Black
35. Who/what do you hate/dislike currently? The A Levels and Prelims.
37. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? Application to Amherst College accepted.
39. Who makes you happiest right now? No one, really. I can't be happy.
40. What were you doing at midnight last night? Doing work.
42. What's for dinner tonight? KFC - 2 Piece Chicken Meal with Mountain Dew, change coleslaw to CHEESEFRIES.
43. What is the last thing you thought about? How much life sucks.
44. When is your birthday? 1st October.
46. When is the last time you were in a swimming pool? 2 years ago or even further back.
48. How do you feel about your hair right now? A bit short at the back, but otherwise fine.
51. Where does most of your family live? Tampines, flat. Sis in UK apartment.
52. Are you spoiled? Define, spoiled.
53. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? I want to go back to sleep. Now.